
I do really like home invasion horror films

Best pool scene ever

Frivolous slasher flick

In 2008 a movie called "The Strangers" was released, which, in my opinion, is one of the best horror movies of recent times, mainly because of its simplicity and its eerie realism.

A Slightly Worse Than Average Slasher


The reviews for this show do not do it justice

Please don't let this continue!

ounds like a good idea, right?

I had somewhat high hopes that it would turn out to be a cheeky and fun experience

one of the best European horror films this decade

This movie has a lot going for it and for once an AIP movie

Night Wars" which gives it an odd

Reviews The Torurer

In the end, should you watch Battlefield Death Tales?

The movie is divided into three segments

Reviews Battlefield Death Tales (2012)