I had somewhat high hopes that it would turn out to be a cheeky and fun experience

Seeing the trailer for Ghosted, I had somewhat high hopes that it would turn out to be a cheeky and fun experience. And then I watched the pilot, and the second episode, and then the third one, and I started seeing a common theme in all episodes of this show - it's utterly bad.

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As bad as it gets. Not Ed Wood bad, but "We don't even want to try anything, just take it and be happy you don't have to watch the Kardashians" bad. Every joke falls flat, all the action and VFX scenes are done decently, but they can't save a show that is trying to be funny but is simply just cringe-worthy. And not the It's Always Sunn In Philadelphia cringe, no, this is the Gouge Out My Eyes And Don't Ever Let Me Watch Anything Like This Again cringe.

Like I said, really high hopes, but I forgot that neither of the lead actors is really funny when they are given a bad script. Craig Fergusen was even giving the "Don't Watch It, It Will Steal Your Soul" vibe while promoting the show, just like Bill Murray when he said he did the Ghostbusters reboot because he believed the actresses were genuinely funny. It's not funny, it's not amazing, it's plain boring and hopefully Fox finds new and better writers that understand science and comedy, because they obviously don't, just like most of Hollywood. 

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But back to this awful show. it's horrendous. None of the characters are interesting and the two leads get thrown into the whole mess without any preparation and are expected to do a decent job?! Just a plain mess. I gave it a rating of 5 because it's not as bad as other mainstream shows, but it's pretty awful. If you don't like yourself, go watch it.
