
Fairy Tale for Adults

The Shape of Water (2017)

It's the 60s, the era of Cold Warmovies.

Entertaining puppet horror Warmovies

The Next Big Hollywood Remake

A genuinely creepy movie

Its got me hooked

Addictive and Original

The best entry since Toulon's Revenge!

Worst installment since Clip-Show installment "Puppet Master: The Legacy"

One of those movies that you definitely only need to see once.

Brutal. Disturbing. Brilliant.

Not the perfect movie you're looking for,, but it's really nice, thrilling and somehow funny

Bold, Zany and Irreverent

An art-house-like homage to old-time horror. Hits its target perfectly.

Old age having a go at youth, with lots of blood

Moral Of This Story: Pay Your Taxes On Time, OR ELSE

Ridiculous Idea that Should Have Been Put to Bed at Conception

Decent Black Comedy Horror