I lay my cards on the table and admit I'm a huge fan of the original movie and I'm not sure if that makes me the ideal or the worst audience. 

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I was excited to revisit The Strangers universe, if you like, but equally, I was nervous this was going to be a simple cash in job that in truth belongs in the Target DVD section gathering dust. 

But very quickly my Home Entertainment fears evaporated and were replaced with gripping fear, electric excitement and raw anticipation - a feeling I remember oh so fondly from sitting in a theater watching the original!


This is the type of horror that reminds me why making the trip to see it on the big screen is still very much worth it as the audiences reactions, the gasps and squeals, is all part of the fun, key to the experience. 

I hadn't actually realised the director is the same dude behind 47 Metres Down, a movie I also saw in the theater last year and loved that as well, so I guess I'm a new fan. I'm undoubtedly a fan of Prey At Night, worthy of a second theater viewing me thinks.


With a movie like The Strangers Prey at Night, we know what we want as viewers. We want to see the creepy killers stalk and terrorize an innocent family. I know that sounds messed up, but it's just a movie, so this family isn't actually harmed. It's fine. Anyway, we want to witness this sort of messed thing because it's scary and creepy in a way that lingers. 

What we don't care about in a movie like this is half-baked family drama. The daughter misbehaves a lot, so the parents are sending her to boarding school. Big whoop. Spare me the 15 minutes spent on this unnecessary plot line. Cut straight to the chase. And I mean that literally. 
