The Chase

The Chase is a British television quiz show broadcast on ITV and hosted by Bradley Walsh. Contestants play against a professional quizzer, known as the "chaser", who attempts to prevent them from winning a cash prize. The chasers are Mark Labbett, Shaun Wallace, Anne Hegerty, Paul Sinha and Jenny Ryan. Labbett and Wallace have both been chasers since series 1, while Hegerty joined in series 2, Sinha in series 4 and Ryan in series 9.

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A team of four contestants individually attempt to amass as much money as possible, which is later added to a prize fund if the contestant survives their individual chase. The chaser must attempt to catch each contestant during their individual chase, eliminating that person from the game and preventing the money from being added to the collective prize fund. Any contestant who survives their individual chase later play collectively as a team for the final round to win an equal share of the prize fund against the chaser.

With a regular audience of three to five million, The Chase is one of ITV's most successful daytime shows ever. It has been nominated four times for "Best Daytime Show" at the National Television Awards, winning in 2016 and 2017.[7] It has also become a successful international franchise: regional versions have been made in Australia, China, Croatia, Germany, Israel, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. Labbett, Hegerty and Wallace also feature as chasers on the Australian version, Labbett also featured as the sole chaser on the now-defunct American version. Episodes of The Chase are often repeated on ITV (weekends) and when the newest series is on a break. ITV4 (usually A.M) and Sky channels Challenge/Real Lives (frequently).
